- 弱勢助學計畫-弱勢助學金
- 弱勢助學計畫-生活助學金
- 學生就學貸款
- 就學優待減免(含行政院定額減免/拉近公私立學校學雜費差距及其配套措施方案)
- 低收入戶學產基金(教育部)
- 學產基金急難慰助(教育部)
- 校內學生急難慰助
- 新生始業輔導
- 獎懲操行
- 學生請假(含缺曠更正)
- 操行成績(含操行預警)
- 違規銷過
- 班級幹部登錄作業(含後端管理)
- 學生申訴
- 品德教育宣導活動
- 勞作教育/生活助學金編組打掃
- 環保教育宣導活動
- 智慧財產權宣導活動(配合講習實施)
- 日進學制班代表講習
- 日間學制服務股長講習
- 生活助學金服務同學講習
- 就貸、減免、弱勢助學講習
- 學生事務會議
- 學生申訴評議委員會
- 性別平等教育委員會
- 學生獎懲委員會
- 性別事件調查會議(依案件)
- 教育部補助私立大專校院學生事務與輔導工作經費
- 教育部補助私立大專校院學生事務與輔導創新工作專業人力經費
- 大專校院弱勢學生助學計畫/生活助學金
- 大專校院弱勢學生助學計畫/助學金
- 教育部補助大專校院辦理獎助生團體保險
- 教育部學產基金低收入戶學生助學金(嶺東科大委辦)
- 教育部學產基金設置急難慰問金(朝陽科大委辦)
Students Aid Measures
- MOE Grants of disadvantaged students
- MOE Grants of disadvantaged students (Subsidies for Living Expenses)
- Student loan
- Student exemption for tuition/miscellaneous
- MOE Low-income households scholarship
- MOE Emergency Aid
- Emergency financial aids for students
Student Services
- Freshman orientation
- Student honor and disciplinary related affairs
- Student leave of absence request (including school absenteeism correction)
- Conduct grade
- Disciplinary action record deletion
- Class officers
- Student appeal related affairs
- Moral education activities
- Labor education
- Environmental education
- Intellectual Property Rights Advocacy
Class officers Training/Meeting
- Class leader training
- Service crew leader training
- Briefing session of Subsidies for Living Expenses
- Briefing session for student loan/other students Aid Measures
- Student Affairs Conference
- Student Appeals Review Committee
- Gender Equality Education Committee
- The Student Rewards and Disciplinary Committee
- Gender equality incidents on campus Investigation
- MOE Student affairs and Counseling subsidies (private universities and colleges only)
- MOE Professionals in Innovating Student Affairs and Counseling subsidies (private universities and colleges only)
- MOE Grants of disadvantaged students
- MOE Grants of disadvantaged students (Subsidies for Living Expenses)
- MOE Group insurance for subsidized students
- MOE Low-income households scholarship
- MOE Emergency Aid
Seminar on campus